How Long Does It Take To Learn Quranic Arabic?

Want to learn Arabic and become an expert in Quranic Arabic? If so, you’re not alone; many people want to learn the language of the Quran, but might have trouble with where to start, how long it will take them, and how they’ll fit Arabic study into their schedule. Online Quran Academy provides everything you need to know about how long it takes to learn Quranic Arabic, including what kind of dedication you need to get results on your own terms.

5 Steps You Can Take Now

There is no hard-and-fast rule for how long it takes to learn Arabic because learning a language is always a highly individualized process. That said, there are some general tips you can follow to help ensure you make steady progress in your studies. Research and find an Online Quran Academy, If you don’t have access to a live teacher, research online courses before making a decision. Then, find an academy that fits your budget and schedule.

Here are 5 steps you can take now: 

Step 1: Have a Plan

Learning to read and write in an unfamiliar language is no small feat. Even for native speakers, acquiring another language can be a challenging process. Before you start learning your first word:

  1. Think about your long-term goals and how you might achieve them.
  2. Think through all of your options carefully; it’s easy to invest time and energy into something that ultimately isn’t for you.
  3. Once you have a plan, make sure it aligns with your strengths and interests. If you don’t enjoy reading or writing—or if those are skills that come easily to you—you may want to focus on spoken or conversational Arabic instead.

That said, there are several ways to learn Quran without being able to read or write it (more on that later). For now, though, let’s assume we’re talking about reading and writing.

Step 2: Create A Study Schedule

Creating a schedule will help you maintain your progress and keep track of your progress. For those that are studying on their own, I recommend creating a 1-year calendar. This way, you can see everything that is going on at once, and it will be easy to remember things! If you have someone who is going over with you, try to create an individual schedule for them so they can focus only on their own studies.

One person learning different things at different times may confuse both students in terms of learning new material as well as a review of old material. Also, make sure to mention how often people should practice writing Arabic every day!

Step 3: Start From The Beginning

Make sure you set aside enough time to learn properly. The question of how long it takes to learn Quranic Arabic is a complicated one, simply because everyone learns differently. There are so many things that affect your learning speed: your general level of intelligence, previous knowledge, motivation, and commitment. But to get started, you should give yourself 3-4 months for every 1000 words you want to learn.

So, if you aim to know 3000 words by June 2016 (which isn’t an unreasonable amount), then start by getting everything you need ready now: Booklist, practice kit, and schedule. Even if you think it will take less time than 3-4 months (and often it does), set aside that block of time as a buffer zone just in case!

Step 4: Invest in a Good Translator

People have been learning Quran with their eyes for centuries, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be improved upon. Today, there are online academies where students can learn on their own time and find a wide variety of courses to suit their needs.

Translators like Tilawa will even let you track your progress and make comparisons with other students of your same level. Depending on your goal, an online Quran academy might not only be more cost-effective than taking a course in person – but also much more efficient!

Step 5: Focus on Consistency Over Speed

A rookie mistake many students make is to think they can learn very quickly, but that’s a recipe for frustration. Instead, if you’re just starting out and focusing on consistency over speed, you’ll greatly enhance your learning experience. The easiest way to do that is to set small goals every day and stick with them.

For example, in our online Quran academy (QuranClass), we make sure each student has at least one class a day so they can be consistently practicing their recitation of the Quran every single day—no matter what else happens during their busy days or whether they feel like studying. You might only be able to get in five minutes each day, but at least it will add up over time!


The Online Quran Academy is designed to help students improve their understanding of and familiarity with Surah al-Fatihah. If a student wants to immerse themselves in learning classic, traditional Islamic scholarship, it may take years. However, suppose a student wants to learn how to read and understand Surah al-Fatihah. In that case, they can do so over 30 days with an Online Quran Academy instructor who has mastered simplified Arabic grammar. We also offer an intensive course for those who already know some basics about learning Arabic.

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