Physiotherapy exercises that you can do at your home

A brief insight about physiotherapy:-

Physiotherapy is a discipline of medical science that acts as a perfect amalgam of old pain relief ways and modern machines. It is primarily used for increasing mobility and relieving pain. Due to the pandemic, the course of many things has been changed from outdoors to the comfort of your houses. Physiotherapy exercises are one of them. In this article, we will discuss some of the physiotherapy exercises that you can do easily at your home. There are some physiotherapy clinics in Delhi, that specialise in providing in-home treatment for Physiotherapy, such as Physiorevive.

They are the best physiotherapy clinic in Delhi and offer world-class treatment for both physiotherapies as well as dry needling.


Some of the physiotherapy exercises that you can easily follow at home are listed as follows:-


Back Exercises:-

This is the most common type of pain, for which most people go to Physiotherapists. Below mentioned are some of the easiest physiotherapy exercises to get rid of back pain at home.


Lie on your back with both legs straight. Next, you need to hold your left leg and bring the left knee closer to the chest. Hold for 15 seconds and return to the normal position. You need to repeat the same pattern with your right leg as well.


The next exercise is to stand up with both your arms on the sides. Bend to the left side while sliding your left mad down your leg. Come back slowly and relax. Repeat the same.


Neck Exercises:-

These exercises are very helpful, especially if your neck is strained. You can easily do these exercises in your chair.


Centre your vision on any object, which is directly in front of you. After this, gradually bring your head back and start looking at the roof. Hold yourself in the same position for the next 5-7 sets and make sure that your body is still.


You need to repeat the same, but this time you need to look on the floor, instead of looking at the roof.


Next is after fixing your gaze at the object in front of you, turn your head to the left. Take it as far as you can. Hold for a few seconds and then bring it back to normal but slowly.


Heel Raises:-

Heel Raises is one of the most efficient techniques using which athletes are trained to jump high and run faster. Moreover, practising heel raises also helps you to strengthen your calf strength. It can be easily carried out by standing firmly on the ground and then slowly lifting your toes. You can use a support to place your hands while lifting the toes. While returning to the normal position, you need to go quite slow. Repeat the same.


Shoulder Exercises:-

Shoulder pain in most cases is a result of stiff shoulder muscles. Physiotherapy exercises help a lot in such cases. You can simply sit comfortably in a chair and start rolling your shoulders forward, pause and then backwards. Repeat the same till you feel better.


Pro tips:-

While doing physiotherapy exercises at home, it is very important to follow certain tips such as:-


  • Repeat each exercise at least three times and with time increase the sets.
  • Make sure you are always focused on the pain area.
  • With practising physiotherapy exercises at home, quality matters most.
  • Go slow to ensure there are no chances of any injury.



Practising physiotherapy not only helps you get rid of the pain but also helps you to stay fit and enhances your mobility. However, in case you do not get the required relief by practising physiotherapy at home, you can check with the best physiotherapy clinic in Delhi, which is Physiorevive.

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